Monthly Archive for January, 2015

State Maze Part 2: Play

maze2PHP Game Mechanics

In Part I of this “State Maze” series, you see that each cell in the matrix is a coordinate on a grid, and using the alphanumeric coordinate designation, each implementation of a state interface (class) is named with a grid coordinate. (If you have not looked at Part I, do so now.)

The problem with using an HTML UI (See Part I) is that each time the player makes a move, it generates a new instance of the client that makes the move in the State pattern. As a result, I had to create a Json file to store each move. This solution still does not allow the same instance to be re-used and keep a running record of where the player is, but I haven’t found a satisfactory solution elsewhere. (I’m looking at Ajax and RESTful APIs, but nothing yet.) If you’ve developed games with ActionScript (of Flash fame) or Python, you can easily keep a running record in a class property without re-instantiaing the class in a variable. Ironically, by placing the HTML code in a PHP heredoc string, the class with the HTML in it does not have to be re-instantiated, but the client it launches does. To get started, go ahead and play the maze-game and explore the different OOP and Design Pattern principles and languages that use OOP. You will be asked to provide a “seeker” name. The default name is “chump.” Don’t use that name! (Don’t be a chump…) Use a 5-letter name of your own. It will be used to track your progress through the maze.


This is not an easy maze (nor does it follow the route of the maze in Part I.) So, keep track of your moves, and if you fall into a sequential trap, you have to start over.

State Overview

If you review the State design pattern, especially the class diagram in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides (AKA “The Gang of Four” or GoF) you will see that the Sate pattern consists of Context, State Interface and Concrete States implementing the State Interface. In other words, it’s one of the least complex-looking patterns among design patterns.

Figure 1 shows a file diagram of the current implementation; however, the additional files beyond the basic pattern implementation are files with helper elements for CSS and Json.

Figure 1: File Diagram

Figure 1: File Diagram

With a maze, the State design does require a lot of files — one for each state, and some would prefer a table look-up for dealing with a maze-type application. However, a table look-up has its own issues, and making changes and adding actions can tie a table in a knot. Besides, it’s much easier to re-use a state pattern by changing the method calls within each state without even having to change the context or client at all. Further, since all of the states implement the same interface, once one implementation is completed, it can be copied and pasted, changing only the name of the class and the behavior of the implemented methods defined by the interface. As can be seen in Figure 2, the State pattern used in this implementation adheres to the fundamentals of the State Design Pattern as proposed by GoF.

Figure 2: State Class Diagram

Figure 2: State Class Diagram

Each of the state implementations are designated A1State to E4State. (See the labeled grid in Figure 2 in Part I). Of course, while the State design pattern diagram is relatively simple, the Context can be challenging, especially when using a Json file for recording moves. However, to get started with the code, we’ll start at the beginning with the UI and the Client that makes requests to the State pattern.

The UI and Client

The UI is an HTML5 document embedded in a PHP class and is more of an HTML document than a PHP one. A heredoc string (EXPLORE) is placed in a PHP private variable, $explorerUI. An echo statement displays the HTML on the screen when the $worker variable instantiates the PHP class.

< ?php
class ExplorerUI
    private $explorerUI;
    public function __construct()
        //Use the Security object to encode table
        $this->explorerUI=< <<EXPLORE
        DOCTYPE html>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="explorer.css"/>
            <meta charset="UTF-8"/>
            <title>OOP Caverntitle>
            <h2>OOP Explorerh2>
        <h3>Explore Next Directionh3>
        <legend>Move Optionslegend>
        <form action="ExplorerClient.php" method="post" target="cavestate">
            <tr><td>td><td><input type="radio" name="move" value="northMove"/>&nbsp;Move Northtd><td>td>tr>
            <tr><td><input type="radio" name="move" value="westMove" checked="checked"/>&nbsp;Move Westtd><td>td><td>td><td><input type="radio" name="move" value="eastMove"/>&nbsp;Move Easttd>tr>
            <tr><td>td><td><input type="radio" name="move" value="southMove"/>&nbsp;Move Southtd><td>td>tr>
        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type = "text" name="seeker" maxlength="5" size="6" value ="chump"/>&nbsp Your seeker name: Five characters; no spaces<p>p>
        <input type="submit" class="submit" name ="makemove" value ="Make your move"/>
        <iframe seamless name="cavestate" width="500" height="450">CaveStateiframe>
        echo $this->explorerUI;
$worker=new ExplorerUI();

I used a table for setting up the UI “move center” to make it easy for the player to select the next move. (A CSS form for the move center certainly would be more elegant, but the table worked ok; so I used it after testing it on a desktop, tablet and smartphone.) You can see how the UI looks in Figure 1 in Part I of the State maze).
Continue reading ‘State Maze Part 2: Play’

The Design Pattern Principle Maze Part 1: A Story in a State Pattern

Happy New Year Everyone!

mazeFor the last ten weeks I’ve been learning functional programming and Haskell through an edX MOOC offered through Delft University (DelftX) in the Netherlands. (TU Delft is The Netherland’s equivalent to MIT in the US) Check out the YouTube video on the course here. That’s why I haven’t been creating new posts for this blog. Now it’s time to catch up! So, I’ve created a maze game that explores the major principles in design pattern programming using a State design pattern.

Play with a Purpose

This particular maze follows a trail of OOP and Design Pattern principles to the end of the maze. As you find each principle, you will see an image and a statement of the principle. For example, the first part of the maze moves through the S.O.L.I.D. acronym to help you remember five basic OOP principles. When you find the room with the Interface Segregation principle, Figure 1 shows what you will see:

Figure 1: A room in the maze with an OOP principle.

Figure 1: A room in the maze with an OOP principle.

Movement is controlled by a set of four ratio button and a “Make Move” button. Each user must include a unique user name where the moves for the user are stored in a Json file. A State Design Pattern helps not only in creating this maze, but it is a template for any 5 x 5 maze!

Why use a State Pattern on a Maze?

In building a D&D style maze, I started out with a blank sheet of paper and sketched out a 5 x 5 maze shown in Figure 2 (with labels).

Figure 2: The 5 by 5 Matrix -- coordinate values will become class names.

Figure 2: The 5 by 5 Matrix — coordinate values will become class names.

By picturing the matrix as being made up of 25 different states, the reason for using a State design pattern starts to take shape. If each grid square is a state, we can create code that determines what happens to the player who moves into a given state (square).

Adding Start/Finish Points and Trouble

You can decide which states will be the starting and ending states simply by designating them as such. As you can see in Figure 3, the game starts in B1 and ends in D5. The next step is to add back-to-the-start traps. These represent any kind of booby-trap you care to add to make the game interesting. You want to add enough to make the player pay attention but not so many as to make it impossible. Figure 3 shows six sequential traps–game re-start conditions that must be avoided.

Figure 3: Add start and end states and booby-traps.

Figure 3: Add start and end states and booby-traps.

In building your maze, keep in mind that for the player, it will seem like a cavern; not the chessboard that you can see. Continue reading ‘The Design Pattern Principle Maze Part 1: A Story in a State Pattern’