Archive for the 'OOP Game Coding' Category

The Design Pattern Principle Maze Part 1: A Story in a State Pattern

Happy New Year Everyone!

mazeFor the last ten weeks I’ve been learning functional programming and Haskell through an edX MOOC offered through Delft University (DelftX) in the Netherlands. (TU Delft is The Netherland’s equivalent to MIT in the US) Check out the YouTube video on the course here. That’s why I haven’t been creating new posts for this blog. Now it’s time to catch up! So, I’ve created a maze game that explores the major principles in design pattern programming using a State design pattern.

Play with a Purpose

This particular maze follows a trail of OOP and Design Pattern principles to the end of the maze. As you find each principle, you will see an image and a statement of the principle. For example, the first part of the maze moves through the S.O.L.I.D. acronym to help you remember five basic OOP principles. When you find the room with the Interface Segregation principle, Figure 1 shows what you will see:

Figure 1: A room in the maze with an OOP principle.

Figure 1: A room in the maze with an OOP principle.

Movement is controlled by a set of four ratio button and a “Make Move” button. Each user must include a unique user name where the moves for the user are stored in a Json file. A State Design Pattern helps not only in creating this maze, but it is a template for any 5 x 5 maze!

Why use a State Pattern on a Maze?

In building a D&D style maze, I started out with a blank sheet of paper and sketched out a 5 x 5 maze shown in Figure 2 (with labels).

Figure 2: The 5 by 5 Matrix -- coordinate values will become class names.

Figure 2: The 5 by 5 Matrix — coordinate values will become class names.

By picturing the matrix as being made up of 25 different states, the reason for using a State design pattern starts to take shape. If each grid square is a state, we can create code that determines what happens to the player who moves into a given state (square).

Adding Start/Finish Points and Trouble

You can decide which states will be the starting and ending states simply by designating them as such. As you can see in Figure 3, the game starts in B1 and ends in D5. The next step is to add back-to-the-start traps. These represent any kind of booby-trap you care to add to make the game interesting. You want to add enough to make the player pay attention but not so many as to make it impossible. Figure 3 shows six sequential traps–game re-start conditions that must be avoided.

Figure 3: Add start and end states and booby-traps.

Figure 3: Add start and end states and booby-traps.

In building your maze, keep in mind that for the player, it will seem like a cavern; not the chessboard that you can see. Continue reading ‘The Design Pattern Principle Maze Part 1: A Story in a State Pattern’

PHP Game Coding: SVG Movement

flashEncapsulating Movement

Any sane person would abandon PHP for JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery or some other client-side language that would work directly with Web-based SVG graphic elements and attributes. In doing so, though, it would give up on both the OOP capacity of PHP (lacking in these other languages) and low cost (no open socket server) inter-internet games (i.e., remote multiplayer games.)

Ironically (for some), the easiest part of creating action games is the game physics. You just need to take a formula from physics (e.g., deceleration, acceleration) and turn it into an algorithm. Eventually, we’ll get to that luxury, but first we need to work out the mechanics of changing the position of a SVG graphic on a grid. Before getting into that discussion, click the Play button to see the end results (goal) and the Download button to see the code:

As you will see, there’s not a lot to play with, but it does deal with two velocity issues; velocity itself and capacity. It’s like comparing the velocity of a 2014 Rolls-Royce Wraith with that of a 1988 Trabant 601. Both cars can attain speeds of 100 km/hr (62 mph), but the Wraith can do it much faster and go far above that speed because it has a more powerful engine. It has greater capacity.

The Space Grid

In the previous post on using SVG graphics in making games, you can see the grid setup, and in that grid you can determine distance and collision using simple geometry. If you’ve spend any time with SVG graphics, you will find a animation system to move graphics along paths. The problem with that system (for now at least) is working out position and collision detection. Movement along paths has grid-like parameters in defining X and Y locations on a grid, but paths can also be defined in terms of curves, and knowing the position of an object at any given time can be problematic. Further, movement is a function of timing using the SVG animateMotion element. For example, consider the following path:

animateMotion fill=”freeze” path=”M 0 0 L 100 150″ dur=”.5s”

It moves an SVG object from 0,0 to 100,150 in a half a second (0.5 seconds). There is no checking along the way for collision. Using a Bézier curve the following movement goes from 0,0 to 300,0 in two seconds (2s) but it curves downward before reaching its destination.

animateMotion fill=”freeze” path=”M 0 0 T 100 150 T 300 0″ dur=”2s”

Again, what it may have collided with is unknown given both the timing of the motion and the curve. This is not to say that every point could not somehow be tracked, but at this point I’d rather take a more familiar route to movement and collision detection.

Moving SVG objects involves changing their X and Y values. I’m calling the frequency with which the X and Y values are updated, “capacity” and the amount of change “velocity.” Rather than using the animateMotion SVG element, this example changes the object’s X value through timed updates and variable values in the number of pixels each timed update generates. For example, an update of every 50 milliseconds is faster than one of every 100 milliseconds—there’s less time between each update pause. Likewise, an X increment of 10 pixels will cause faster movement than an update of 5 pixels.

A timed loop fires a function that changes the ship’s position:

function moveShip()
     // Change the ship's position
     shipX += $this->velocity;
     shipX = shipX % 500;
     oopz.setAttribute("x", shipX);

As you can see the code is JavaScript using a PHP variable ($this->velocity) to set the speed. I would have preferred to do it using all PHP, but needed to use the JavaScript setAttribute method for moving the ship’s X position without having to create a new object. Changing the speed using capacity (loop timing) and velocity (amount of variable increment) requires PHP to create another SVG object, and for demonstration purposes, that’s fine. In an action game, though, it’d eat up a lot of resources.

The “ship” (rectangle) only moves from left to right at this time, and when it leaves “the galaxy” it loops around and comes in the other end. Using the modulus of 500 (% 500), the value will always be calculated correctly when moving from left to right (in both JavaScript and PHP); however, moving from right to left, as soon as the X position is 0, it fails. (See this post on game algorithms for a detailed explanation and comparison of how the modulus operator works differently in Python than PHP and JavaScript). It’s an easy fix using conditional statements, but that’s so…I don’t know…inelegant? See what you can do. For now, continue on to see how the Move class is created and used.
Continue reading ‘PHP Game Coding: SVG Movement’

PHP OOP Game Coding: Collision Detection

ropeDistance in 2D Space

For a number of years I’ve had David Bourg’s book, Physics for Game Developers (2002, O’Reilly), and I’ve been meaning to translate a set of formulas into OOP classes that could be used as part of a PHP game development library. After spending time on (simple) game development last summer using Python, I decided it was time to get busy with a similar project using more OOP and PHP. I wanted something that was small enough to run on Raspberry Pi computers, but still an animated video game.

On previous posts on this blog I’ve used SVG graphics with PHP, but the examples I used were fairly static. Here I’d like to try them in a more dynamic role to see if PHP could generate code to make them dance. For starters I thought that a simple 2D space game would be appropriate — more on the order of Astroids than Space Aliens.

2D Outer Space on a Grid: Plane Geometry

In order to get anywhere, I decided that the universe (galaxy, solar system, whatever; you choose) would live on a 500 x 400 grid. It can be adjusted for different screens, but the first step is to set up a common grid for clear discussion. Further, I thought that starting with rectangles as ‘space ships’ would make everything else easier. (You can build something more elaborate later in the series.) The two space crafts are Oopz and Titeaz. Oopz is crewed by OOP developers, and Titeaz has a crew of sequential and procedural programmers who keep getting in trouble because of spaghetti knots and tight bindings. The Oopz goes on rescue missions to send them PHP code packages of classes and design patterns. Figure 1 shows the initial positions of the two ships:

Figure 1: Grid with Oopz and Titeaz

Figure 1: Grid with Oopz and Titeaz

Each of the grid squares in Figure 1 is 50 x 50 pixels, and the space ships use conventional a x|y position denotation.

Determining Distance and Collision Detection

The first thing we’ll tackle in Rocket Science 101 is determining the distance between two objects.

Raspberry Pi Users: You will need the Chromium browser for the graphics in this series. You can download it using the following code:
sudo apt-get install chromium

The distance between objects can be used for everything from determining when two objects have collided (distance = 0 + fudge-factor) to when another ship is in rescue range to receive project-saving OOP code. The SVG objects on your screen (without the grid) can be seen in Figure 2:

Figure 2: Determining Distance

Figure 2: Determining Distance

The code for this starting screen is based on the SVG W3 standards and saved as an XML file:

< ?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
< !DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> 
 width="500" height="400" viewBox="0 0 500 400"
     xmlns="" version="1.1">
>Oopz and Titaz>

 x="0" y="0" width="500" height="400"
        fill="#DCDCDC" stroke="blue" stroke-width="1">>

 x="100" y="100" width="30" height="20"
        fill="#cf5300" stroke="#369" stroke-width=".4">>

 x="300" y="200" width="30" height="20"
        fill="#369" stroke="#00cc00" stroke-width=".4">>

To see the distance calculation, click the Play button. See if you can figure out what formula is used before you look at the code:


The calculations are based on one of the most fundamental theorems in plane geometry. Before continuing, see if you can figure it out and resolve the solution.
Continue reading ‘PHP OOP Game Coding: Collision Detection’